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"The Reason Why We Don't Travel"

I feel like this is a question everyone asks themselves; if you are in your a millennial like myself then you should be asking yourself this question everyday!

Why you ask? It seems like this generation was split in half. When it comes to travel destinations; one half likes to stay in a bubble in the comfort of their home and put on calories while the other half aspires to enjoy the fresh air and see what the world has to offer! :) then you have some people who are like to enjoy both sides of the lifestyle; style and comfort, while jumping into a pool with a full suit on lol . However one thing we all have in common is that we like our resources within arms reach or already in our hands and that is what this blog is all about. I am going to show you how to have the resources that the top 20% of the people in this world have without the burden of you worrying about the cost! You have probably heard this before in a different form but a lot of the things we think we can’t enjoy in life is actually more attainable than we thought. It all depends how, where, and when, to spend the funds to acquire what we want. The funny thing is a lot of it can be free! YES I SAID IT!!!!


Have an open mind when you travel

What do I mean by this? Depending on your budget you may not be able to go to your destination at the time you want; but that doesn't mean you can't.

My advice: look up your dream destinations in the low seasons to save money on your method of transportation (air, cruise, train, car) and accommodations.

This allows you to see more of your destination without the annoying tourists in your way. Get in with the locals they will be more than happy to show you around if you have a friendly face:)


Determine your level of comfort BEFORE you TRAVEL

You would be surprised how many people do not do this. Only to be disappointed later on in the trip. ( especially if you are traveling with a group of friends; i’d hate to be the one who has to put up with the debbie-downer in the group haha). This is very crucial because your biggest expenses are put towards your flight and accommodations so you want to make sure you are getting the most bang for your buck. I can show you how to save money on your travel expenses on my post “ Cut back and LIVE”

Determine your style of traveler

I split them up into 3 categories to make it easier for you choose one and find out which one suits you best. This really helps you to determine the overall cost based on how you choose your lifestyle for your vacation. The best part about traveling is that you can be whoever you want to be!

  1. Centric ( enclosed, takes full use of the amenities. Professional hotelier! Doesn't really explore the city but appreciates the culture from the comfort of their hotel room)

  2. Adventurous (let's get lost in the city! Just needs a place to rest their head, but not afraid to get their hands dirty, one who immerses themselves in a country’s lifestyle, live like a local)

  3. Walk the line” ( enjoys the comfort but is eager to try new things. A witty hotelier! Usually works in the hospitality industry)


Before you even think about having a vacation this is the most important question you need to ask yourself. “ Why do I need a vacation?” this will determine the entire mood of your trip. Do you just need a break form the normal 9 to 5? Or are you crossing something off your bucket list? Is it more of a spiritual cleanse? Or are you looking to have no regrets from your decisions you are about to make on you trip?

Whatever the case may be, you better make sure you have it solidified before you take off because just like the HOW I mentioned earlier, this too can ruin your entire experience of a uncharted territory.

Speaking from experience its always to advised that you include a solo trip on your bucket list because it will set the bar for the rest your travel experiences. I’ll explain in the other post on “ How to take your first solo trip”.


I always suggest a trip should be at least 4 days or more so you are able to at least see the main attractions of your destination anything after that usually is for pure relaxation or doing local activities.

My favorite time to travel is around the fall. The reason being is more for the climate. Speaking from my experience when traveling with people you will usually hear things like “ It’s too hot” or “It's too cold! Or even “ its too many people! “ I figured the fall would be the best time due to the comfortable climate for you to dress up or dress down and not many tourists are around. It gives you on opportunity to really enjoy your destination without being overwhelmed . If your lucky you might even catch a local festival or holiday.

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