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You're in need of a flight, cheap and fast!

Let's state the obvious, we are living in some challenging times right now and it probably got in your way of your vacation plans right? We know it sucks, and the airline industry is trying to find ways to cope and accumulate more customers for the future. It plays a major part in the economy for us to take vacations but the current travel restrictions makes it difficult. While the airlines are getting bailed out to stay afloat, they are giving away flights for practically free. At this point you might ask yourself, what does this mean to you? Deals on flights are being extended until 2021 which allows you to take advantage of the cheap flights airlines are offering with free cancellation fees.

This is music to our ears!!! All of the trips and dream vacations you were thinking of taking are now within your grasp! We encourage our travelers to not let this opportunity pass before it is too late. Why might you ask? Since airports, airlines and hotels have to comply with social distancing, this slows down the business of these establishments. It also forces them to lower prices on upcoming reservations, and keeps more money in your pocket! Below, you will find exactly how to find the upcoming deals for your destination wish list.Lets jump right into it! Here are some tips to find a flight cheap and fast.

First thing’s first, open up a separate private browser to search for your flights. This prevents airlines from saving your search history (cookies) and increases your chances of finding your ideal flight for the lowest price at the time being.

Explore your options

Use flight aggregators or search engines like Jet Radar,Aviasales, Kiwi, or Google flights. They will display options from different

travel websites to help narrow out the best price for the flight or accommodation that best fits your budget. If you are not ready to book now they will give you the option to track your flight and will alert you as soon as there is a price drop, you will get the best price. Websites like Airfarewatchdog are great for that! Sign up with your email and they will send deals directly to your phone when a new travel deal comes up.

If you are still stumped trying to figure out when to buy a flight, there is a great tool that we have found over at CheapAir that will graph out all the best options for you to purchase your next flight. CheapAir has compiled data on 8,000+ markets around the world. it displays all of the places you live and like to travel to. This allows them to give out unbiased statistics that helps you learn about the best time to buy a flight. We have used it before and it works every time! check it out for yourself below :


The best way to find the best flight is to always keep your options open. Be flexible towards your vacation. Do not be afraid to get bumped or fly a few days earlier because it might work out for you in the end. People earn up to $700 or more just by doing this. In the event when that does happen, put your flight information in Air Help to acquire a partial or full refund of your international flight!

Head to the source

Calling the actual airline is another great option to try out. This is the oldest trick in the book! Some airlines offer one time deals to calling customers in order to fill their flights. Most of the time you will end up getting the best deal for your destination and will especially work for last minute flights. An oldie but goodie :)

Claim your money with Air Help

To save even more use sites like Airhelp to claim refunds on your flights and yes it works! If you already booked a flight in advance and the price of your flight ends up being lower than the amount that you paid, Airhelp will file a claim for you to receive compensation that extra money can go towards an extra activity or that 5-star dinner you had your eyes on!

Plan it out

Most deals on flights are usually 6 weeks out before the actual departure date so this gives you more time to plan the little details. If you see the deal that you like and you don’t have all of the money up front, you can still lock in the price that is viewed at the moment before it becomes more expensive. We recommend using Airfordable to reserve your ticket for your upcoming trips. Airfordable locks in your price for your airplane ticket and sets up a payment plan to keep you on track and have your payment in full before you get on the plane. We use it a lot whenever we take flights and it has saved us a lot of money by doing it. Not only does Airfordable assists with airline reservations, they give you $25 towards your next flight every time you refer you refer a friend. Send this link to 5 friends or more and you’ve got yourself a free flight!

We hope that this article gave you more insight when it comes to finding deals on flights. Try it out and share with us if you found any deals we would love to share it with the rest of our followers!

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