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You have 3 years of FREE MONEY sitting in your email. Claim your money now!

A lot of people are wondering how to afford and pay for things right during this time and it can get frustrating. If it’s one thing that we have noticed this time is inspiring creativity and people are finding the best ways to make money online but did you know that you could potentially have free money already waiting for you? The chances are probably not. Luckily, Passport Plug has found a way for you to get access to that unclaimed money faster. If you’re still reading this, that means that you are still trying to figure out what we are actually talking about. Here at Passport Plug we encourage people to be more educated when it comes to travel and we would not do any justice for not telling you guys on how you can not only save but claim travel dollars that are owed to you. Thanks to our friends over at AirHelp , they are fighting for people to claim money that is owed to them. As a customer to an airline, if you have ever been prevented from getting to a destination on time luggage issues, or had a delay with a recent or previous flight within the last 3 years, you can get up to $700 right now! Yes, we are not kidding around with you! Up to $700 could be yours of you is already owed to you if the answer is YES to tho any of the questions below:

  1. Was your most recent flight(s) heading to or out of any countries associated with the European Union?

  2. Did you experience a delay in receiving your luggage?

  3. Did you experience a delay in your flight?

  4. Did the airline misplace your luggage during a stopover or regular flight?

  5. Was the airline responsible for you missing a connecting flight?

  6. Was your flight overbooked?

  7. Was there an airline strike around the time and date of your flight?

  8. Was your flight cancelled?

  9. Were you denied boarding access?


Did you know about 6.4 million people worldwide each day are eligible for flight compensation under European Regulation (EC 261) air passenger rights laws. That means about 6.4 million people including yourself ( no shade ) are clueless to how much money is out there waiting to be collected. But we have great news! You, along with all of the people you share this post with if; you decide to now have a direct link to that flight compensation. We are going to break down the different scenarios for you so you don't have to waste your time figuring out. Here are the best ways to earn free money for flight compensation:

US Flights

Here's what you need to do if the airline is responsible your your damaged luggage

  1. Hold onto your boarding pass, flight confirmation number(check your email) and your checked luggage receipts.

  2. Report any damages before leaving the airport after receiving your luggage

  3. File a claim with the airline for damaged items in your bags.

  4. Make sure to fill out a damage claim form, or Property Irregularity Report.

  5. Allow the airlines to inspect your bags so they can be fixed or replaced.

Lost luggage for US flights

Here’s what to do when the airlines lose your luggage:

  1. Hold onto your file reference number that the airline provided you.

  2. Keep your receipts if you brought any items specifically for your trip. Example: items like toiletries or underwear, tech etc., things that you can’t really do without for a few days. As soon as you file a claim, you can get reimbursed for these expenses.

  3. Assemble a detailed list of contents for your lost bags. If you don't have one Passport Plug has already got you covered! Download our Travel Checklist in the Learn section of our website. You will be able to keep track of all of the items that you bring on the trip.

  4. Take pictures of the items you put in your luggage and keep them for the duration of your trip so the airline does not try any funny business with you.

  5. File a claim with the airline for compensation. Check with your airline to see when the deadline is for filing a lost luggage claim.

  6. The average compensation from an airline for checked luggage that is either lost or damaged is $1,525 – $3,500, under U.S. and Montreal Convention air passenger rights laws.

Flight Cancellation EU

Here is how to qualify for your Airline Compensation if your international flight has been cancelled:

  • Your flight was set to depart from the EU (with any airline) or was supposed to land in the European Union

  • If the airline contacted you of the cancellation less than 14 days before the flight was due to depart.

  • If you took an alternative flight, and your new arrival time was strikingly different from your original flight

  • The cancellation occurred within the last three years.

  • Received a flight confirmation number to your email

  • If the cancellation was within the airline's control ( operational circumstances, technical difficulties or airline staff strikes).

Keep in mind that a flight that takes off late, (a delayed flight), is not a canceled flight. However you can still receive flight delay compensation if you arrive at your destination over three hours late.

So what happens when my flight Is canceled?

The airline must find you a new flight or give you a refund. In addition, if your flight was canceled within 14 days of the scheduled departure you could be entitled to compensation as well.

Check here to see the amount of compensation you can get with the Compensation Checker

Here is the flip-side to it. Under EC 261, all canceled flights qualify for compensation when the airline has given you less than 14 days’ notice. However, If the airline decides to re-route you, avoid paying the cancellation compensation

Is there a time limit to file a claim under EC261?

Yes. but to take the research time down for you, read below to find out the time limit:


  • Austria: 3 years

  • Belgium: 1 year

  • Bulgaria: 5 years

  • Croatia: 3 years

  • Cyprus: 6 years

  • Czech Republic 3 years

  • Denmark 3 years

  • Estonia 3 years

  • Finland 3 years

  • France: 5 years

  • Germany: 3 years

  • Greece: 5 years

  • Hungary: 5 years

  • Iceland: 2 years

  • Ireland: 6 years

  • Italy: 26 months

  • Latvia: 10 years

  • Lithuania: 10 years

  • Luxembourg: 10 years

  • Malta: No limit

  • Netherlands: 2 years

  • Norway: 3 years

  • Poland: 1 year

  • Portugal: 3 years

  • Romania: 3 years

  • Slovakia: 2 years

  • Slovenia: 2 years

  • Spain: 5 years

  • Sweden: 2 months

  • Switzerland: 2 years

  • United Kingdom:6 years

A lot of countries are banning travel to slow down the spread of the coronavirus . This ended up having airlines having to cancel tons of flights worldwide to help combat the transfer of the virus. Even though these canceled flights in particular are not eligible for claiming money , as a passenger, you still have rights. Keep reading to find out more ways to claim your free airline compensation

However, if your flight has been canceled due to coronavirus you the airline must:

  • Give you a full refund of your ticket

  • Find you a back-up flight as soon as the flights are rescheduled.

If you find yourself stranded at the airport because due to a cancellation you may also be entitled to airline compensation from your airline, including:

  • Food and drink.

  • Access to communication.

  • Hotel accommodations.

These are rights as laid out by the EU law EEC 261, and applies to passengers leaving from an EU airport.

Well what do I have to do if I'm returning home and I’m stuck in another country?

Just ask the airline for a new flight. However, keep in mind you may need to consider alternative methods of transportation since the replacement flights may be affected,

If the airline ends up giving you access to your country of origin, they may require you to undergo several health screening or be quarantined to make sure that you are healthy.

Where can I find a new airline ticket if the airline or travel agency is not responding?

There's nothing you can do about that. You just have to be patient, a lot of airlines and travel companies are being overwhelmed with requests and it's going to take some time before they can accommodate you.

Remember to check the website as well most of the airlines and agencies are allowing people to make those additional changes through their mobile apps. Also be sure to check their FAQs page or on Social Media

What if my flight was affected by technical/operational issues during the pandemic? Am I still eligible for airline compensation?

BINGO!!! You guessed it right!😃 As long as it is not directly affected by the coronavirus AirHelp. Will fight the claim for you so you can recieve your airline compensation. If that is the case, check out the Airline Compensation checker to see how much money you are owed.

I'm sure you know that every time an airline’s staff or crew goes on strike, it results in a long flight disruption. It wastes your time as a passenger because it's not your fault that they are being treated unfairly.

Thanks to a piece of the European Union law called EC 261, airlines must compensate passengers for flight disruptions that they are responsible for. Sometimes there can even be a flight cancellation and we know what comes after that. A bunch of stress that you don't need because as much time as you spent packing your bags for your vacation, you are just as anxious to get them unpacked and start relaxing.

With that being said, If you had any sort of delay because of an airline strike and were traveling to any of the countries associated with the EU, you may be entitled up to $700 in airline strike compensation. Claim your money today!

You can qualify for airline strike compensation if:

  • You had a flight disrupted due to an airline strike

  • You had your flight delayed by 3 hours or more, or was canceled less than 14 days before the departure was due

  • The flight was supposed to leave from the EU or was on an EU airline arriving in the EU.

  • Your flight reservation was already confirmed prior

  • The incident occurred within the last 3 years.

  • If you got on a replacement flight, your new arrival time was strikingly different from your original flight

Airline staff strikes are strikes involving the employees of the airline carrier, including pilots, cabin crew, airline engineers, and other employees working directly under the airline. If any one of those employed decides that they are fed up and decided to strike it is automatically going to affect you and the airlines have to compensate to make up for the inconvenience.

When your flight is delayed, your airline may offer you compensation in the form of flight vouchers.Here is the best part about that: by accepting that voucher, you’re not waiving your right to claim airline compensation you’re legally entitled to it ! The EU regulations state that the compensation should be paid in cash, wire transfer or in the form of a check, unless the passenger chooses to accept travel vouchers instead. So go ahead and take that voucher or the money! You're still going to get your airline compensation!

Now you might be asking yourself are all Delayed Flights Covered by EC 261? The answer is almost all of them. It not only includes the EU airspace, but also Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and the outermost-regions(and Martinique, Guadeloupe,French Guiana and La Réunion,, Madeira, the Azores, Saint-Martin, and the Canary Islands)

How is my Flight Delay Calculated?

It’s based on the time you get to your final destination. This is vital because even if the plane takes off late, the airline may still be able to make up time in the air.

How the airlines avoid flight delay compensation

The ruling in EC 261 says that an airline can avoid liability if the delay is caused by “extraordinary circumstances”.some examples are situations like medical emergencies, lightning strikes, employee strikes, serious adverse weather conditions,or air traffic control strikes, air traffic control restrictions, sudden malfunctioning of the airport radar, acts of sabotage, we’re sure you get the point.

What happens if I miss a connecting flight because of flight delay?

It's up to the airline to find you a flight to your final destination; no if’s and’s or but’s! You are still entitled to airline delay compensation if your flight is 3 hours later than the original time on your boarding pass.

What are the steps I need to take when my flight is delayed?

  • Make sure you have all of your flight info handy including your boarding pass

  • Ask them why the flight was delayed and record the response

  • Gather proof of the delay (photos, flight boards etc.)

  • Take note of the arrival time once you reach your destination.

  • Ask the airline to pay for your food and drinks.

  • Don’t say a word or accept any offers that may waive your rights to delay compensation

  • You can choose to wait it out or not if your delay is more than five hours.

  • Have the airline provide you with a hotel room. If needed.

  • Keep your receipts if your delayed flight ends up costing you extra money.

If you find yourself in a situation when you are being denied access to board the plane here's what you need to do:

  1. Don’t volunteer to give up your seat in exchange for vouchers or perks. However if the airline makes an enthralling enough offer, you may prefer to take it. The final decision is up to you.

  2. Have your boarding pass or any travel documents handy.(some of them are already in your email).

  3. Ask them why you are not receiving boarding access. It may just be that you are getting bumped due to overbooking but you can still file a separate overbooking compensation claim for that

  4. Request an alternate flight to your destination, or a full refund and a return flight to your original departure if needed.

  5. Request compensation for your boarding denial. The airline should pay you immediately once you’ve been denied boarding for your flight.

  6. Ask the airline to cover your meals and refreshments.

  7. Get the airline to provide you with a hotel room.If you’re being grounded overnight while waiting for the alternative flight, the airline should cover any costs that are decent for accommodations along with transportation to and from the airport.

  8. Keep your receipts if your boarding denial ends up costing you extra money.

  9. See if your boarding denial is eligible for compensation. With the compensation checker

Missed Connection Compensation

If something disrupts one of your flights (a delay at another airport or technical issues) it may cause you to miss your connection. When that happens, the airline should find you a new flight immediately and if you're flying in or out of Europe, you are entitled to compensation for more information head over to Air Help they will outline in detail the necessary procedures to file a claim


If you find this information helpful please like share and subscribe Passport Plug! We want to inform as many people as possible about the variety of travel benefits that are out there. Times are for a lot of people right now due to the coronavirus so we wanted to find a way for people to get some extra money in their pockets.

FRIENDLY REMINDER: Check your email for any ticket reservations you might have and type them in to the Airline compensation checker . You can earn up to $700 for every flight that you took in the last 3 years.


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